NJPCSA Announces Winners of the Call-for-Stories from Teachers

Today, the New Jersey Public Charter School Association (NJPCSA) announced the winners of its Teachers of Diverse Backgrounds Initiative call-for-stories. The call-for-stories garnered a significant number of compelling stories from public charter school teachers from across the state. After weeks of careful review, eleven teachers have been selected and will be awarded a $2,000 cash prize in addition to being featured in a video to tell their unique stories.
Congratulations to the following New Jersey Public
Charter School Teachers for being selected:
Lenora Williams, Newark Opportunity Youth Network
Renee Creange, Teaneck Community Charter School
Felicia Henderson, Learning Community Charter School
Jennifer Carcich, Unity Charter School
Darla Merrill, LEAP Academy University Charter School
Cesar Volquez, Hoboken Dual Language Charter School
Kamuran Soydam, Hudson Arts & Sciences Charter School
Pria Robinson, Achievers Early College Prep
Roberto Morales, Camden Promise Charter School
Julie-Ann Green, Chartertech HS for Performing Arts
Kimancia Crosson, KIPP
“We wanted to hear directly from teachers – in their own words – why their school is a great place to work and how they are helping students flourish in their classrooms,” said, Harry Lee, CEO, NJPCSA. “We hope to demonstrate that teachers in public charter schools are empowered to implement creative approaches to meet the individual needs of students in their class, and the critical role they play in the public education landscape – especially in urban districts with kids who have the greatest need for safe, inclusive schools.”
The NJPCSA thanks teachers for their commitment and dedication to helping students in public charter schools reach their full potential. The Association will share the teacher videos on our website in the coming months as well as additional teacher stories throughout the year. To show support of New Jersey’s public charter schools and to learn more about becoming an NJPCSA advocacy partner, please visit www.njcharters.org.
About New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association
The New Jersey Public Charter Schools Association (NJPCSA) is the non-profit membership association that represents the state’s charter school community and, by extension, charter school students and their parents. There are currently 87 charter schools in New Jersey serving approximately 57,000 students. We are Id to advancing quality public education for New Jersey’s children through the cultivation of excellent public charter schools. The Association seeks to influence legislative and policy environments, leverage collective advocacy, and provide resources to support our members in developing and operating high quality, public charter schools.